Hi there! This website, https://www.fireof.life/, is owned and operated by Nicole Richards aka Lola, trading as Fire of Life (ABN: 56 137 962 289). If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me: lola@fireof.life.
This document sets out the Terms and Conditions you need to be aware of when using this website or purchasing from me. Please take a moment to read it, as it contains important rights and obligations, and I care about making sure you know what to expect from working with me.
When you visit this website, use my services or purchase my products you agree that you are over the age of 18 and willing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you don’t accept this agreement, you must not continue to visit this website or purchase from me.
These terms may be changed or modified from time to time. Please check back regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.
All products and services advertised on this website are offered in compliance with Australian Consumer Law.
Website Content Disclaimer
On my website you will find blog posts and educational content designed to deepen your understanding of the connections between movement, nutrition, mindset, sensuality, breathwork and bodywork, and assist you in taking a holistic approach to your health, wellness and sexuality.
Content Policy
I take lots of care to provide valuable information, but I cannot be responsible for the use that you make of that information. There is no professional relationship formed by your visit to my website unless you explicitly choose to work with me by purchasing my services or products.
Any testimonials or promised results I may display on my website are based on my experience and those of my previous clients. They are not guarantees that anyone else will achieve the same results.
While I take all reasonable care to ensure that the information I provide is accurate, relevant and up-to-date, I make no guarantees in this regard and disclaim any legal liability for any inaccuracy, incompleteness or error. If you find something that seems problematic, it would be very helpful if you let me know!
I may modify the content provided on my website at any time, including altering or deleting it without notice.
Visitor Responsibilities
You take full responsibility for your implementation of any suggestions that I make on my website or during our consultations. You understand that my advice is always limited to providing you with options for your consideration, and that you are solely responsible for any actions that you choose to take. Always consult your own values and vision, do your own research, and make informed choices about how to proceed. You agree to indemnify me against all consequences arising directly or indirectly from your choices.
My training and the information I provide on my website is designed to help you connect with your own intuitive wisdom and access personal and spiritual healing. It is not a substitute for appropriately qualified medical or mental health advice. Talking or reading about yoni massage could be triggering, particularly if it is about healing past trauma. It is essential that you take full responsibility for your own journey and personal wellbeing. Be mindful about how what you read is affecting you and be cautious when making decisions about what you do with that information. If you have any concerns at all, please seek advice from an appropriately qualified professional.
Where I offer files for download, I make every effort to ensure that they are safe. However, I am not responsible for viruses, other technologically harmful material or any other damage which might occur as a result of downloading material from my website. It is your responsibility to take your cyber-safety seriously and maintain adequate and up to date internet security.
External Links
I may choose to display links to other websites. I have no control over and am not responsible for the content of any external sites that may be linked, and I have no part in or responsibility for any transaction you choose to enter into with a third party after following an external link.
Disclaimer for Services
Through my website, I offer bookings for 1:1 coaching and yoni massage therapy. My intention in offering these services is to guide and service bold, visionary women to feel alive in their body.
The terms and conditions in this document apply to all of my services unless alternative terms are explicitly provided to you. If there is any inconsistency between this document and an agreement specifically provided to you, this document is overruled to the extent of the inconsistency.
My Qualifications and Responsibility
I am a Holistic Sex Coach, Yoni Massage Therapist, and Somatic Sexologist.
I promise to hold a safe space for your healing journey by respecting your autonomy and seeking your informed consent at all times. I strive to ensure your privacy and confidentiality as a high priority. If you ever have any concerns, please do not hesitate to raise them with me. My aim in my services is to not only allow the flow of my magic and what I have to offer you, but to activate the magic you have to offer yourself.
Your Responsibility
When you engage my services, it is important that you remain openminded and commit to open, honest communication. You are responsible for monitoring and managing your own responses and wellbeing during the work we do together, recognising that I am not a therapist and that my services are not a substitute for therapy or counselling. It is important that you seek advice and assistance from an appropriately qualified medical professional if you have any concerns or require additional support.
Important Information
Yoni massage can be a confronting experience if you are not well prepared. It is important that you educate yourself about what it entails and understand what your intention is in working with me. You are required to thoroughly read the information provided on my website and schedule a connection call if you have any questions or want to unpack any concerns before you enter into this experience.
You will also receive before and after care instructions for your yoni massage. To get the most out of your experience, it is important that you read those emails carefully and follow any directions they contain.
Because it is deeply intimate and vulnerable work, there is always a potential that yoni massage may trigger a trauma response that is outside the scope of my services, since I am not a therapist, counsellor, mental or medical health practitioner. In this situation, I will do what I can to assist you to obtain appropriate professional support.
If you are pregnant, please be aware that while I am fully trained in yoni massage during pregnancy, the practice still carries inevitable risks. You must make your own decision about whether you wish to voluntarily accept those risks before booking in with me.
My yoni massage services are best suited to sensual ambitious women yearning to come home to themselves and reconnect with their pleasure and energy, to cultivate a really beautiful relationship with themselves and their yoni.
In my coaching, I do my best work with women wanting to catalyse their grown and quantum leap into new levels of pleasure, passion, health and vitality.
You are not a good fit for my services if you are currently experiencing an active trauma response or are undergoing treatment for serious mental health issues. My services are also unsuitable for anyone who lacks self-agency and is looking for someone to fix their issues for them.
Waiver of Liability
I do not make any guarantees or warranties about the accuracy of any material displayed on my website, with the exception of any non-excludable consumer guarantees and other consumer protection provisions set out in the Australian Consumer Law. I am human and errors creep in despite the best of intentions. If you see something that doesn’t seem right, please let me know.
While I make all reasonable efforts to ensure that my services meet with the highest standards of best practice, if something does go wrong that is not a direct result of my negligence, misrepresentation or deliberate fault, you agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I will not be liable for any damages or loss arising out of or related to my website, or any services purchased through it.
Intellectual Property - Copyright
My website and any materials I provide to you (my content) is protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world, with all rights reserved. You may not copy or reproduce any part of my content without my written consent. Commercial exploitation of my content in any way that competes with my business is strictly prohibited.
You are welcome to share blog posts or other publicly available content through social media, but you must provide a link back to the website where you located the content.
You may link to my home pages, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage my reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on my part where none exists.
If I provide content to you as a client, it may be printed or downloaded to a local hard disk for your personal and non-commercial use only. You must not provide extracts of any content to anyone else under any circumstances.
Intellectual Property - Trade Marks
I own the unregistered trade marks, logos, and service marks displayed on my website, including Fire of Life™. These trade marks whether registered or unregistered, may not be used in connection with any other product or service without a licence, or in any way that is likely to cause confusion in the marketplace, or in any manner that disparages me or my business.
As a student of VITA™ I am authorised to display this unregistered trade mark under license by the trade mark owner.
Payment Terms
Payment is required in advance for all sessions. I accept payment for my services by credit card through Stripe, Square and Paypal. I also accept payment by bank deposit.
All fees are in Australia dollars. I am not currently registered for GST.
Payment plans are available for coaching packages. If you have requested a payment plan, the first payment is required before coaching starts. I will send reminders if you miss a payment, and all future sessions will be postponed until your payments are up to date.
You agree to pay all costs, including debt collection agency fees and solicitor’s costs, that I may incur in taking steps to recover any money that you owe under this agreement, whether or not legal proceedings are issued in relation to the debt.
Please continue reading for my refund policy.
Yoni massage appointments are delivered face to face. To prepare for your yoni massage, please note the following:
- Personal hygiene is a must - please come clean and showered.
- No body lotions, deodorants or perfumes.
- Don’t bother doing anything special to your hair.
- No need for makeup, fake tan or a freshly waxed body.
- No jewellery.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
- Avoid alcohol and brain intoxicants at least 48 hours before your session.
- Please don’t eat a large meal within 4 hours of your session.
- No sexual activity in the 24 hours before your session.
- I recommend that you avoid masturbation for 7 days prior to your session, to build your sexual, life force energy for a more powerful massage experience
- Please avoid high intensity exercise in the 24 hours before and after your session, as this places stress on your nervous system.
- Ensure you have no stressful tasks scheduled on the day of your appointment.
- Begin considering your intention for the session. What would you like to release, and what would you like to call in?
- Begin connecting with your yoni and her energy with a short daily practice to come into energetic alignment. Place your hand over her. Breathe into her. Listen to her.
- You may wish to bring an item to have in the room with you (eg. Crystal wand, yoni egg, flower offering, etc).
The following information will help you to integrate the experience after your yoni massage session:
- You might like to allow at least 24 hours of integration time after your session by avoiding sexual activity, or you may prefer to utilise this activation of your life force energy with a self-pleasure ritual or creative practices.
- Stay well hydrated with 3-4L of water in the 24 hours after your session.
- Avoid heavy, dense, processed foods in the 24 hours after your session and focus on whole plant foods with plenty of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, legumes, nuts and seeds.
- Avoid high intensity exercise in the 24 hours before and after your session, as this places stress on your nervous system.
All coaching sessions are delivered online using Zoom for video consultations, and Voxer for messaging.
Appointment Policies
I require at least 5 business days’ notice to reschedule your yoni massage, as I need to give the venue advance notice of any changes to the booking.
Rescheduling with less than 5 days’ notice will be treated as a cancellation and you will forfeit your payment, as I will have already committed to paying for the venue.
You are welcome to reschedule your coaching session through the link in the Acuity email up to 12 hours before the session is due to commence. I will then be able to allocate this time to someone on my waiting list.
If you miss a session, cancel or reschedule with less than 12 hours’ notice, I will allow you one opportunity to reschedule without penalty. However, if this is repeated, any subsequent missed sessions will be forfeit.
If there is an unexpected emergency, please contact me as soon as possible to explain. I reserve the right to make an exception & reschedule where the circumstances were beyond your control.
If I have to cancel a session for any reason, I will give you as much notice as possible and ask you to reschedule to a mutually acceptable time.
Refund Policy & Consumer Guarantees
There is NO REFUND IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND about booking my services, so it is essential that you consider carefully whether this is right for you before you make your payment. This policy applies to both yoni massage and coaching.
Payment plans are offered solely to assist you in making an investment in your personal growth. You are required to complete payment in full, even if you choose to withdraw from the coaching before the package is complete.
This coaching requires a wholehearted prioritisation of self-love. In some cases, this may involve a radical departure from your previous habits or understandings, and deep emotional exploration which may bring up blocks, limiting beliefs and subconscious sabotage. I would not be supporting you in your goals for personal growth if I did not hold you accountable in your commitment to stay in the room and complete the coaching, even when you want to run and hide.
Having said this, it is important to me to know that you are happy with our work together. If you have any cause for complaint, please let me know within 24 hours of our session, so we can work together to find a satisfactory solution.
I also understand that emergencies do happen. If you are unable to participate fully in the coaching due to extreme circumstances beyond your control, please contact me so we can discuss a mutually acceptable way to proceed.
I take my obligations under Australian Consumer Law seriously and will do my best to address any issues that arise. However, even if there is a major problem, my liability is strictly limited to providing the program to you again, or if I am unable to do so within a reasonable time, paying the cost of having an equivalent program supplied to you again.
Respectful Communication
I reserve the right to delete any comments on my website, blog or social media accounts which are rude, offensive or which I deem to be unacceptable. Keep it polite and play nicely, please!
Dispute Resolution & Jurisdiction
If we have a problem, we shall each act in good faith, keep the lines of honest communication open between us as much as possible, and refrain from any conduct or communication which might reasonably be expected to interfere with the business and personal interests of each other while we try to sort out our differences. We will act like adults, and not air our dirty laundry in public!
If either of us have any concerns arising out of this Agreement or your participation in the coaching, we agree that we shall communicate with the intention of making a genuine effort to seek a win/win solution and resolve any dispute by negotiation and discussion.
The negotiation process begins when you email me, letting me know that there is a problem. Within 24 hours, I will send you a booking link with my available times for the next 7 days. Please use this to book a 30 minute call where I can get a better understanding of what has gone wrong, and we can try to resolve the issues involved.
If we are unable to resolve a dispute by negotiation and discussion within 14 days, we agree to proceed to mediation with the assistance of an independent accredited mediator, seeking mediation online or by telephone if we are not within an hour’s travel of each other. If we cannot agree on who the mediator should be, the person initiating the dispute will ask the Law Society of Qld to appoint a mediator. The mediator will decide any questions relating to the mediation process, and the rules to be applied.
We both agree that we will behave like sensible adults and make a genuine effort to resolve any dispute by all peaceful means at our disposal. Neither of us will threaten to sue or take each other to court until the independent mediator expresses their opinion that we aren’t going to be able to work this out on our own and we need a judge to make a decision for us.
Alternatively, for yoni massage, you may access the complaints procedure of The Somatic Sex Educators Association of Australasia.
This agreement is subject to the governing law of Queensland, Australia. Regardless of where you live in the world, you irrevocably agree that if the dispute resolution processes fail, the courts of Queensland, and the Commonwealth of Australia, will have exclusive jurisdiction.